Buy License

  • Compare functionality of different editions here.
  • Purchased license are lifetime, this is not a subscription system.

ECam V5.x - Complete + Adaptive 600€ 350€
ECam V5.x - Complete 250€ 200€
ECam V5.x - Only Mill 150€
ECam V5.x - Only Lathe 150€

For commercial reasons, prices and features list are planned to change in July 2024.

See What's new in V5

For example :

  • Users from some country may have no additional taxes on total (+0%) , like San Marino.
  • Users from Spain has +21% but with valid company VAT ID number TAX is +0%

How to purchase ?

1) Click on desidered package from the PACKAGE EDITION table . This will bring you to related item in fastspring store. Select your location if the default value it's not correct.

2) Compile the store page with your data . Please check twice the mail address here since it's used to send activation code and invoice. You can always ask assistance to support if something goes wrong.

3) In the last page you can see total summary.  

For companies : Insert your VAT ID in this page. 

If you have a coupon , insert in the related field and press [Update Coupon]

4) Within some minutes after payment confirm. It will arrive 3 mails to your mailbox  .

- One it contain the link to your invoice :

- Another mail will contain your activation code . See related page below for more information about license system.

- The last mail is just a procedure success confirm.

Accepted payment methods : CREDIT CARDS , PAYPAL , BANK TRANSFER

If you have selected BANK TRANSFER as payment method, it can take 3-5 working days to confirm your payment.

No refunds provided

Additional Instances

If you need to activate more than one pc , you don't need to buy multiple license at full price.

You can buy only additional pc activation at 45% of the price of your current package .

Here the store pages for additonal license. Proceed with the one related to the original purchased package. 

Additional License for Mill Only  / Lathe Only Edition

Additional License for Complete

Additional License for Complete + Adaptive

Examples : 

If you have a [Complete edition] license , you need [Additional Complete] .

If you have [Mill Only edition] , you need  [Additional Mill].

If you have [Lathe Only edition] , you need  [Additional Lathe].

After payment confirm, send me your current activation code and your order id so i can increment the activable pc with your current activation code. 

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