Cost Estimating report
from version 5 build 348
It's possible to calculate the part machining cost with dedicated report tool .
To open it : Top Menu > Report > Cost estimating
You need to define the material cost and the production quantity.
Machine properties
To modify the machine properties associated with the cost calculation, access the machine edit dialog.
To access the machine edit screen, refer to the Edit post processor documentation page.
Choose the "Machine properties" tab.
Utilize the search bar to locate "cost".
You have the option to modify the following:
- Machine hourly cost rate.
- Fixture setup time, expressed in minutes.
- Tool installation time, expressed in minutes.
- Tool change time , expressed in second.
This data will be utilized in the computation of the component cost.
Tool wear
Also, tool wear is taken into consideration.
For each tool parameter, it is possible to define the tool wear.
Open the tool edit screen.
Go to the [Cut Data] tab.
Scroll down until you find the tool price and tool life duration properties.
Define the tool price and tool life duration.
For example:
The drill costs 100€.
The drill's tool life is 50 minutes, so the tool wear will be 2€/min.
An operation with a machining time of 50 minutes (only work movement) will add a cost of 100€ for tool wear to the summary.
Cost details view
To view the costs used in the calculation more transparently, select the tab [Detail view]
Setting currency
You can edit the currency symbol used in application from setting .
Main Menu > Edit > Setting
Edit the currency symbol property.
You need to RESTART the software to apply this .
Additional Cost
In order to include an additional cost, navigate to the "Additional Cost" tab.
Next, enter the cost in the table.
You will have the option to specify whether the cost should be considered for each part or if it is a fixed cost per production lot.
Additional Cost from code scripts
It 's possible add costs calculated by customizable logic (script) in order to have maximum flexibility.
Example Case - Galvanizing treatment
It's possible to calculate the cost of a galvanizing treatment starting from the weight of the piece.
The script includes the method for calculating the round-trip transportation to the galvanizing supplier.
The transportation cost is based on the data entered in the shipping table. See the paragraph on transportation costs further down this page.
Furthermore, knowing the weight of the component allows for a realistic estimate of the treatment cost, even considering a possible minimum amount for the processing.
Example Case - Test part
It is possible to also consider the test piece that is executed at the beginning of production, indicating in the script to consider to add a stock and the machining time for an additional piece to be divided by the ordered lot.
Example case - Correction factor
It's possible add an overall correction factor, maybe in case of certain difficult to machine material .
Creating scripts requires programming experience.
Users can add or modify existing scripts by itself but it is recommended to contact support with a detailed explanation of the idea to convert in custom script.
To open the script window, click on [Edit Scripts] button.
Once the script is correctly defined, it will be available in the custom cost list.
Enable it by clicking on the checkbox.
In the detail view, you can see the calculated cost from the script.
Shipping Data Table
The shipment-related costs are stored in a dedicated table.
This shipping data is used from custom logic script to elaborate additional cost.
To open this table, go to the additional cost tab.
Click on the [Shipping Table] button.
Once you open the shipping table window, you can find a list of routes in the first tab [Routes], including Start, Destination, Shipment weight, and cost.
It is possible to edit, add, or delete routes.
In the second tab, [Other Properties], select one property to have the explanation directly at the bottom part of the property list.
In the tab [Test Route Calculation] is possible insert sample input values and calculate the shipping cost.
Insert data in [Sample input] side and press [Run shipment test]