How to change arc mode

Sometimes from your controller you may receive this kind of error message :

"radius to end of arc differs from radius to start"  

The first thing to check , is to have the same "arc center mode" both in controller and in post processor.

Depending on controller configuration , you need to define the arc center point in one of this way : 

  • as the distance from arc startpoint
  • as the distance from arc endpoint
  • or in absolute coordinate.

To edit this , open the post processor dialog and search for "Arc Incremental Mode" , you can choose between from the 3 method above.

Define arc radius instead of center point

If after trying the method above , you still get issue , you can try to write the arc movement defining just end point and arc radius values.

To do so , edit the [Arc Move] template from post processor.

In case of lathe , the default template is :


edit this template to this :


In other word, substitute the {ARC_I}{ARC_K} tags with {ARC_RADIUS} tag.

Explicit the arc center position with I J K value is a better method , because the R method can be ambiguous in some cases, which is why some controls don't allow full circles with the R method.

Convert arc movement in linear movement 

If you have a very old machine (or very dumb machine) that can't handle arc movement, is possible convert them in a list of linear G1 movements.

To do so , search and enable "Break Arc Movement into linear movement" .

Edit the related properties "Arc Linearization Chord Error" to adjust the quality of linearized arc.

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