Define Machining Levels
From version 5.x is possible to set the machining levels by means of distances relative to the various entities of the scene, which can be the stock, the selection of geometries, or the position of a point clicked with the mouse.
This allows you to define various properties without writing anything but only by selecting the type from a drop-down menu.
It is also possible to define an offset from this level by defining an offset value (positive or negative).
When the reference object changes, the machining level is automatically updated.
For example, if I add material to the stock, the operations will be recalculated with the new value.
All this allows a reduction of errors due to the fact that values are not entered manually but are read directly from the model.
It is still possible to define the absolute value by selecting "From Origin" and indicating the offset value.
Example in milling context :
It's been selected the part model face you can see here :
Here the machining levels :
The security level is 2mm above the raw material
The start machining level is at the top of the model.
While the lower machining plane is at the level of the selected geometry.
Now if I edit the stock definition, increasing the stock Z+ allowance distance, the machining level will be updated without any further user edits.
You can see the the Safe Z level it's still indicated as 2mm above the stock top level, but the absolute coordinate it's been updated.